Support for Parents and Carers
Support for Parents and Carers
Raising children takes a lot of time and energy - and where those children have early life experience of trauma, neglect and abuse the demands on foster carers are even greater. There is no quick fix to heal the developmental gaps resulting from early years’ trauma.
Self-care for foster carers
Looking after yourself is important. As a foster carer you need to find time and ways to relax and have time to yourself or as a couple even if only for a short period of time. This nurture will build your resilience.
Support groups
Therapeutic Parents (NATP), offers many resources, training and groups.
New Family Social is the UK network for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) adoptive and foster families.
Parents of Adopted Teens Organisation is a UK based group of parents who share expertise and encourage self care.
Brain based parenting [PDF] can help avoid blocked care. Read more in ‘Brain-Based Parenting’ [Amazon Link or Cairns Moir Connections] by Daniel Hughes, Jonathon Baylin & Daniel Siegel.
Online support for carers of teens
Here is a handy guide regarding the different types of social media which children access these days and other advice for keeping children safe online.