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Word of the Month

July's word of the month is Complex Case

Alternative words or phrases:

  • The family/child/carer with multi-needs
  • the child/carer has/family have a number of needs

As human beings we are all unique, diverse, and complex. Complex is a vague term as it does not provide any specific detail. The term ‘toxic trio’ is also sometimes used to describe families with co-existing concerns. Referring to another person or a family as complex, or using the term ‘toxic trio’, could induce feelings of shame and hopelessness, and for others could create confusion and anxiety. The word toxic is a very powerfully emotive word that contains stigmas. Using this language can lead to unconscious bias that the person or people will be challenging to work with and have needs that are difficult to understand.

By using a trauma informed lens, we can seek to understand what has been shared with us and for what reasons, in a way that reduces negative judgment. Using uncomplicated language, and identifying specific needs, we can simplify the way that what we write and say is received, reducing the potential for unconscious bias.

Read more on the NSPCC Learning website about how the term 'toxic trio' is unhelpful and inaccurate.