Skills to Foster Pre-approval Foster Carer Training
Skills to Foster Pre-approval Foster Carer Training
The skills to foster preapproval foster carer training courses are delivered across the D2N2 area, so could be facilitated by Nottinghamshire, Nottingham City, Derby City or Derbyshire County Council. We all follow the same agreed programme. There are separate courses for mainstream foster carers, family and friends’ carers to support the different types of fostering. Attendance at the course forms part of the assessment process.
The mainstream training comprises of six sessions and the family and friends training id undertaken over four sessions. Attendance will give you, the applicant, an opportunity to explore and discuss the rewards and the challenges of fostering with other people who are applying to foster and hear from experienced foster carers and fostering workers (supervising social workers). You will receive a copy of each of the PowerPoint session presentations following your attendance. Please speak to your assessing supervising social worker about the content for further information.
You will need to:
- Attend all sessions.
- Complete and return the Learning Diary (mainstream)
Once you have attended all sessions and returned the completed document requested (the Learning Diary), you will be issued with a certificate of attendance.
We hope you find them interesting and helpful.
The Learning Diary is a Microsoft Word document to enable you to complete your Learning diary electronically. When it is completed, please re-save it in a folder on your own computer add your surname and your post code to the document name and email to the Fostering Training Co-Ordinators