Pupil Premium Plus

What is Pupil Premium Plus?
Schools receive an addition grant for children who are under the care of a Local Authority (LAC) or who have ceased to be looked after by the Local Authority because they have been adopted to give adopted and looked after children the same opportunities as other children.
As of 1 April 2018, the premium is currently £2,300 per child. The premium is managed by the virtual school head in the local authority that looks after the child and will make arrangements to discuss how the child will benefit from the premium. Adopters can ask their child’s school how their PPP is being spent.
What do I have to do?
This Q&A document [PDF] outlines criteria necessary as well as other information which could be helpful.
Further Reading
PAC-UK Guide – This guide from PAC-UK provides information on the aims of the PPP and how the funding can be spent.
GOV UK – This guidance outlines the government’s conditions of the grant
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